Starting with Kaggle

Lami Olowoniyi / June 01, 2022

2 min read


If you don’t have the basics of machine learning (the theory), I would tell you to go to coursera and take the Andrew Ng course on Coursera :

This is because I found the courses on Kaggle to be very very practice oriented. Sooner or later, you will need to learn the theory, you could do it in whichever way you want, just choose what you are most comfortable with.

My advice for courses on Kaggle#

Here you can find the courses offered by kaggle :

  1. After creating your account on kaggle, I suggest you go over basics of Python if you aren’t familiar with the language.

  2. Then take the Pandas, this is to fully understand how to manipulate data.

  3. Take the Intro to Machine Learning course, there you will build your first “house prices prediction model”, using Random Forests. And Also participate in your first ML competition !!!

  4. Take the Intermediate Machine Learning course, there you will learn more stuff (data preprocessing + pipelines) and something called XGBoost that will increase your rankings of the “house prices” competition. An exciting way to see how much you have progressed !!!

  5. Then I suggest you take the Data Visualization course, you will learn to vizualise your data. This is a key skill like Pandas that you will use every time. By using different Charts/plots, you will notice patterns and also irregularities in your models.

  6. Lastly, I think you should take Feature Engineering course. I am currently taking it. So I can’t say much about it for now 😅.

😎 Conclusion

Kaggle is super fun and you will be able to improve a lot by taking the courses there and sharpen your skills in competitions !

Good luck in your journey 😄.